Sunday, July 14, 2013


There is nothing more frustrating than stepping on the scale after weeks of work and seeing no change at all! I feel no difference in my clothes, there is no change in the numbers, makes it really hard to keep going back when there is no change at all! So I literally had to drag myself out of the house today.
I rode 16 miles on Friday. Saturday I managed to do absolutely nothing. I watched TV and then went to work. Today, at the very last possible moment, I rallied myself, got my shit together and left the house headed to the gym. It's really hard to go to the gym alone, it's much easier with Scott in tow, but he is the first to bail on the gym at a moments notice. Another thing that makes this so difficult.
Thursday was a splurge day with cookies and chocolate. And of course I just go along for the ride, too weak to say no. :( I wish that I could be strong and say no thanks, but I am all about the sweets, and eating anything for that matter. I can just eat to eat for goodness sake. ARGH! Why does it have to be this way? I don't want to be like this.

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